Monday, May 4, 2009

Fox News and CNN Comparison

Already we know that Fox news is a more onesided Replubican station and so we know what to basically expect from them. One of ther major topics they dicussed was the Obama's first 100 days in office. They basically focused on his spending habits and said how he is just spending a enormous amounts of money, government money, and not accounting for it. That was interesting. Truely to this day Obama really hasn't done much yet or at least what he has done isnt covered.
I think CNN covers more of the issues concerning the happening in the rest of the world and I more so tune to CNN then any other Broadcast news.

Classmate's post

OK so I just had to comment on Andy's media blog South Park: Social Commentary at It's Finest.
I don't watch South Park and I don't really like it's taste, but the joke about the presidential election was kind of on point.
I agree with the emphasis on the public's reaction and the lingering attitudes of the people about the Apocalypse and all that with the McCain supporters. It is not that far of an exaggeration because alot of the conversations I had last year and still this year was certainly on that scheme.
On one side people were on Obama's campaign hardcore, especially on this campus. I saw the supporters of McCain were more so kind of anxious when they pretty much new the outcome of the election but what would happen to society afterwards was a fear to some. It was like as if people were ready to go and move into caves or lock themselves in a closet when Obama won..
I remember reading a facebook group, "If Obama is president I'm moving to Canada".

Local News

I watched d the local news show on Fox and I was watching I was cooking and do a bunch of things while still having the TV on blast and in my view. I sat down about a half an hour into the news and I realized I hadn't seen anything political. There was a comment about president Obama's sneakers but yeah that was it. I even asked my roomate who sitting down in the living room watching it too nothing, she confirmed there was nothing on about politics. I mean I believe there was some reference to government officials but nothing depth about it. I think the 5:00pm news makes no sense to watch at all. The only slightly interested thing I watched was about what the celebrities would be wearing at the Gala in the Met. You would think since it was at 5:00pm most people getting home from work people might me interested about what was happening in the world while preparing dinner. It would be a great time to capture an audience I think but just not any topics of importance.

Link to a traditional Newspaper? The NY Times

In the NY Times today an article that caught my attention on the front page headlined Porous Border With Pakistan Could Hinder U.S. Troops. The issue here is that the borders have holes that aren't secured and it has been a pathway for infiltration from the Taliban.Though this article made headline coverage its not really that interesting or should be breaking news that it had to be on the front page.

The NY Times newspaper is great its just that this story is just a bore to read. I think had it been referenced in like the daily show and have them present it could make a bit bearable and entertaining to want to even know the facts

Rush Limbaugh- "I Hope He Fails"

First, I would just like to say I never listened to Rush Limbaugh before having to for this blog project and I dont think I ever will again. I mean plainly I don't like him or his jokes. He is truely so full of himself and just loud for nothing. Like he completed one sided narrow minded and proud and quite frankly doesn't care of anyone opinions but his own. He actually said he hopes the President fails.... wow talk about sour.
I mean reguardless of your political party America is your country. If the president fails so does the country. I mean if you look at Christians who are more conservative they might not agree with Obama but they still pray for him because he's the leader. I mean he has a lot of listeners and vieweres therefore he has some power he could more so benefit by bringing his opinions on air in a less shovanistic way. Than, maybe more politiians would actually consider his view and if good help shape this country positively.

Hannity and Colms

After watching an episode of Hannity and Colms on Fox/Youtube network it was interesting to see debates on the issues and presented in a way that was argumentative and informative.
It is unfortunate that the show is no longer running and they booted off Colms who to me when watching some of the clips in the past made it very interesting. He was also the more liberal of the two as well. He was very good at cutting people off and not letting them speak to get his point across. I watched a more recent clip when Ann Coult was on and they to the more conservative stand and were more so criticzing the president on thing like Guantanamo Bay and the delay of shutdown, when just a week before he was sworn into office. They criticised the media's favoritism toward the president and how seemingly big issues on the president agenda was just suddenly stopped being presented as if he handled the issue or the it went a way.

Op-ed NY Times

In the opinion section of the NY times another article about the swine flu. In this article ,
A Sick Situation she leads light on the victims of the swine flu which is like everyone inluding the ones who arent even infected. But she gives her opinion about how Obamas response was for everypnt to just stay home instead of something more sensible like washing your hands. I disagree with her on that part because if you are sick why go to work and spread that illness to everyone else. The flu is spread from human to human that means if your in a closed room with someone and they cough or sneaze or breath your hit.

I see how this can cause a potentialdillema in reguards to people losing their job or money but this could have been a potential crisis.The Swan flu as was reported in the beginning, (but just seem to be hype) to be deadly and its good that people are taking precaution. Over all I think this column was good and informative we understand her opinons i the same way we get the facts.